Specific help for preparation of talk
Instructions for preparation of
proceedings paper
General Information for Authors/Speakers
Information for Oral Presentations
All talks at the Symposium are in plenary sessions in the
Ramsey Auditorium of Fermilab. The start and end times of all talks
are given in the
web page. There will be 5 minutes at the end of each talk for
questions and answers. Each talk will be webcast live on streaming
video accessible via the
web page. Every effort will be made to keep to the time schedule, and to
better facilitate this, use of the speaker's own
laptop for presentations cannot be accommodated. Electronic
versions of talk slides should be sent in
advance to be loaded onto the auditorium computer.
Speakers are encouraged to prepare their transparencies in electronic
form so they can be projected using the auditorium video projector and
auditorium computer. Although a traditional overhead projector will be
available, projected slides will be most visible from the middle and back of
the auditorium using the auditorium LCD video projector. Also slides
in Landscape format appear far larger and thus far more visible than
those prepared in Portrait format. The suggested document
electronic format is PDF in Landscape. Technical suggestions and answers to
common questions related to slide preparation can be found on
a separate web page.
The web URL link to the electronic version of presentations
(or the electronic file itself) should be sent to the
Scientific Secretaries
at lp2003_sci_secretaries@fnal.gov. This should be done as early as possible
to ensure the file is fully compatible with the auditorium computer.
At the latest the talk should be received the day before the talk so that
they can be used in the streaming video webcast. In the event that this is
not possible, the electronic file must be received
the session before the
talk to be used. Note that talk slides are not posted onto the
Symposium Program web page until after the talk, though of course they
could available at the live webcast streaming video link.
Information for Proceedings Contributions
The 2003 Lepton Photon Symposium proceedings will be published by
World Scientific Publishing Co. in 11"x8.5" format. The Symposium
proceedings will be
published concurrently as a special issue of the (World Scientific)
International Journal of
Modern Physics A. Also, a less expensive paperback edition will be
published for sale to individuals in developing countries.
All speakers are invited to submit contributions to the proceedings.
The maximum number of pages for each paper corresponds to 1 page for
every 2.5 minutes.
The Symposium proceedings will be published in black and white.
However full color versions of all papers will be available on our
web site and will be included in a DVD-ROM to be packaged
with each hardcopy of the Symposium proceedings. These will be
mailed to registered attendees. In addition to the proceedings contributions,
we plan to include on the DVD-ROM the streaming video for each of the talks
at the 2003 Lepton Photon Symposium. We will also try to
include the questions and answers at each presentation in as complete a form
as possible.
In order for the proceedings to be useful, we will endeavor to have it
published as soon as possible and hopefully by the end of 2003. We will
however need the help of all authors, and we will need to omit
presentations for which we do not receive a proceedings contribution by the
deadline. We ask that you submit your contribution to the proceedings as
early as possible and perhaps at the Symposium itself. There will be a
proceedings help desk during part of the Symposium where you can request
help on proceedings issues.
The proceedings submission deadline is
October 15th 2003
Contributions to the proceedings should be submitted using the
LP2003 Document Database. Alternatively contributions can be
sent to
the proceedings editors at
Note that besides a PostScript version of their paper, the
authors are requested to submit the complete set of sources to the editors.
This will ensure the best possible format for all versions of the
the proceedings publications, (paper, DVD-ROM, web viewable and
downloadable full version of the proceedings.)
Specific instructions for authoring contributions to the proceedings
can be found in a separate web page.
This page also includes instructions on use of the LP2003 Document Database.