The proceedings submission deadline is
October 15th 2003
Quick Links
Instructions for Preparation of Proceedings Papers
Authors are asked to use Latex2e to prepare their proceedings contributions.
The World Scientific style files for the 2003 Lepton Photon
Symposium can be found at the following URL:
The download
files in this area have modifications that are specific to the 2003 Lepton
Photon Symposium.
The maximum number of pages for each contribution
(not including the Q&A section)
is given by the length of
the talk. This maximum is 1 page for every 2.5 minutes and are summarized in
the table below:
Length of talk (minutes) |
5 |
15 |
30 |
40 |
45 |
60 |
Maximum number of pages |
2 |
6 |
12 |
16 |
18 |
24 |
Detailed instructions are contained in the
preliminary guide and
style file instructions, located at the
style files web page.
Contributions to the proceedings should be submitted using the
LP2003 Document Database. Alternatively contributions can be
sent to
the proceedings editors at
Note that besides a PostScript version of their paper, the
authors are requested to submit the complete set of sources to the editors.
This will ensure the best possible format for all versions of
the proceedings publications, (paper, DVD-ROM, web viewable and
downloadable full version of the proceedings.)
Discussion (Question and Answer) Section
The Discussion section to appear at the end of your writeup does not
count towards your maximum page limit. We would like you to include
only the questions that were asked at your talk. For questions that
may have been raised at the Breakout sessions, we ask that you
address them in your writeup. There is no problem if, in the Discussion
section, you want to "rewrite history" by providing better or more complete
answers where appropriate.
Copyright Transfer for 2003 Lepton Photon
copyright transfer form should be filled out, signed and mailed to the
following address:
Harry W.K. Cheung,
M.S. 122
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,
P.O. Box 500,
Batavia IL 60510-0500,
It may also be sent as a FAX to: US-630-840-3867, addressed to Harry Cheung
at phone number (US)-630-840-8628.
Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get help using Latex and the style file for LP2003?
I have jpg and gif images from my talk slides that I want included in my
paper, what is the best way to do that?
I created EPS files from images there were in jpg format, they work
but the file sizes are huge! How can I reduce the file size?
Why can't I use Microsoft Word to write my LP2003 contribution?
Why is there a LP2003 Document Database for submitted papers?
How do I use the LP2003 Document Database to submit my paper?
I have many files in my paper in the document database, how do I
replace just one of them like a figure file?
I need to look at a previous version of my paper or retrieve a figure
file from a previous version, how do I do that?
I cannot get citations in my figure captions, what is wrong and how
can I fix this?
I need a third level heading which the general instructions explicitly
includes styles for but \subsubsection does not work, how can I get a
third level of heading? Also why is the second level heading not bold italic
as listed in the general instructions?
What are the guidelines for choices of style? For example when
referring to figures, tables, sections or equations? What about referring
explicitly to references?
How do I get help using Latex and the style file for LP2003?
We assume that you have used Latex before. If not please let the LP2003
editors know
so something can be worked out to get your contribution.
If you need help with the Latex style file, please ask a local Latex expert
at your institution since the O/S and Latex/TeX installation is usually
site specific. However you should have no problem with most Latex distributions.
We have tested the World Scientific Latex style file/macro on
Fermi Linux 7.3.1 (RedHat 7.3) and 9.0.1 (RedHat 9),
and on Mac OS 10.2 using the
(v1.28) distribution.
I have jpg and gif images from my talk slides that I want included in my
paper, what is the best way to do that?
If you can remake the figure in another format we would suggest doing
so and choose EPS (encapsulated Postscript) as this is easiest to include
in Latex.
Otherwise on unix (including Linux) it is easy to convert gif and jpg images
to eps files using ImageMagick's "convert" command. For jpg files though this
often leads to unacceptably large files. You can convert jpg images to eps
files retaining compression using the
jpeg2eps Postscript script.
Since it runs a Postscript script this tool should work on any unix system.
We have tested it on Fermilinux 7.3.1 and Mac OS X 10.2.
If you can only run on Windows, Adobe Illustrator can write EPS files which
will work to produce in Latex. (However note that often the EPS files it
creates can cause problems when the Latex PS file is converted to PDF.)
If you have problems and need help creating EPS files from images please
contact the LP2003 editors at
I created EPS files from images there were in jpg format, they work
but the file sizes are huge! How can I reduce the file size?
In unix, you can convert jpg images to eps
files retaining compression using the
jpeg2eps Postscript script.
Since it runs a Postscript script this tool should work on any unix system.
We have tested it on Fermilinux 7.3.1 and Mac OS X 10.2.
Why can't I use Microsoft Word to write my LP2003 contribution?
We would like all papers to have the same style and the same
looking typeface in the
proceedings. This does not seem to be possible using the World Scientific
Microsoft Word template/style file. We also want to be able to produced
the proceedings as a single PS file.
If you have not used Latex before and do not want to try it (the example
file should make it relatively easy), please let the
LP2003 editors
know as soon as possible.
We do have a
Template and instructions available. However the editors would have to
retypeset your contribution in Latex. If you choose to submit your
contribution in Word, we ask that you contact the
LP2003 editors
to let them know and to submit your contribution early so we have time
to retypeset your contribution in Latex. We might also need your help
in producing compatible figure files.
Why is there a LP2003 Document Database for submitted papers?
Although you can submit your LP2003 proceedings paper via email to the
LP2003 editors
we have set up a
LP2003 Document Database, to try to make the submission process and
the reviewing and updating of your draft easier. Submission of your
paper to the database is done using the web.
Also we have asked you to submit your full source, this includes the tex
file and all the figure files that are needed for your paper. We think
that this document database will make this process much easier.
How do I use the LP2003 Document Database to submit my paper?
You will need a username and password to access the
LP2003 Document Database. The username is lp2003, and you should have
received the password from the
LP2003 editors.
If not, please contact them.
In the main web page of the
LP2003 Document Database, you will see a number of options. Only
a couple of them are relevant to LP2003 paper contributions:
Create or change documents or metadata, use this option to
to submit your paper (for the first time.)
- Use the top option, create a new document from a specified number of
files on your computer. Enter the number of files to be submitted.
The number of files is usually 2 plus the
number of figure files you have. Your two main files are the PS file
of your paper and the tex file. Plus we need your figures also. (Note
that you can make a tar or zip file of all your figure files together
so you only have to submit this one additional tar or zip file.)
(Don't worry about making a mistake, you can usually change/correct
or update the information after you have submitted your paper.)
In the document addition page, fill in the title, abstract and author.
You do not need to fill in keywords. For the each file you submit
browse to the file you want and select it. Then fill in
the description for the file. Mark only the PS file as the main file.
Repeat for each file you submit.
The correct document type to choose is "Papers", and click on your
name in the requester and author boxes. You can leave the security
as "lp2003" and click "Papers" under the Topics box. Now you are
ready to hit the "submit document" button. You should then end up
with the home page of your paper. (From this page, you can change/update
information in case you made an error, or submit updates to your
paper. See next item for instructions.)
List documents: by author, use this option if you need to view or
update your paper that was already submitted to the database. If you
sent your paper to the LP2003 editors via email, they may have
already submitted it to the database for you.
- In the list of authors, click your name and you should have a list of
documents in the database where you are listed as an author. (There
should be just one paper in the database from you - though there may
be several versions if it has been updated. You will see the latest
version.) Click on the document number or title of the paper you want
to view or update.
In the main page of your paper, you can view any file you submitted by
clicking on the file description in the "Files in Document:" or the ones
in the "Other Files:" section. (The former are the ones you marked "Main"
when you submitted your paper.)
In the main page of your paper you can also update your paper, add
files to your document, or update the metadata for your document (like
the title, author and document type that your paper is listed under.)
- Update Document, use this option to submit a new version
of your paper. Note: with this option
you need to submit all files that are in the document. So as
well as the PS and Latex files, you need to also submit the
figure files again even if you have not changed them in the new
version. If you have less files to submit in your new version
just omit the extras and submit the files you want kept. If you
have more files in your new version use the "add file to
document" option after you have updated your file.
- Update DB Info, use this option to change the metadata
for your paper. This is data that your paper is listed with in
this database, like the document type, the title, authors or
each file description.
- Add File to Document, use this option if you need to add
files to your document. E.g. you missed a figure file when you
first submitted your paper, or you have updated your paper with
a new version and need to add more files.
Note: although we discourage its use,
you can use this option to replace a single file, by "adding"
the new file, and selecting the "replace" duplicate file box.
In the main page of your paper, below the update buttons, you will
see links to older versions of your paper if you have any. You can
use this to retrieve old versions of your paper, or particular
files that you might have forgotten to submit in your new version.
I have many files in my paper in the document database, how do I
replace just one of them like a figure file?
We discourage this use but you can do this. Go to the main page of your
paper, and use the Add File to Document option.
To replace a single file, add the new file, and select the "replace" file
I need to look at a previous version of my paper or retrieve a figure
file from a previous version, how do I do that?
In the main page of your paper, below the update buttons, you will
see links to older versions of your paper if you have any. You can
use this to retrieve old versions of your paper, or particular
files that you might have forgotten to submit in your new version.
I cannot get citations in my figure captions, what is wrong and how
can I fix this?
You should try using a pair of square brackets ([ ]) after \caption
and before the begin curly bracket ({), e.g.
\caption[]{The temperature-polarization cross correlation power
spectrum{\cite{kogutetal03}}. The solid line is the prediction from the
temperature data for adiabatic initial conditions. The excess power
at $\ell<10$ is due to early star formation.
\label{polcl} \vspace*{12pt}}
Or for example:
\caption[]{Comparison of the predictions for $F_L(x,Q^2)$ at LO,
NLO and NNLO using MRST partons and also a
$\ln(1/x)$-resummed prediction\cite{RTsum}.}
I need a third level heading which the general instructions explicitly
includes styles for but \subsubsection does not work, how can I get a
third level of heading? Also why is the second level heading not bold italic
as listed in the general instructions?
Unfortunately we did not catch this until one author brought this up. We
have obtained a new
style/class file from World Scientific and you can use this instead of the
old one. Both are now posted on the
Style files web page.
We will retypeset all contributions received, if needed, to get a consistent
set of heading styles for all papers.
What are the guidelines for choices of style? For example when
referring to figures, tables, sections or equations? What about referring
explicitly to references?
We are following the styles implicitly contained in the World Scientific
example text Latex file.
PS and
PDF versions of this
file can be found in the
Style files web page.
Note that these are essentially individual choices of style and there is
no right or wrong, we are just adopting a consistent set taken mostly from WS.
Explicitly these are:
- Figures: To refer to particular figures use
e.g. "Figure 1" at the beginning of a sentence,
elsewhere use e.g. "Fig. 1". Note that you can use an unbreakable space
to ensure there is no break: E.g. "Figure~1" or "Fig.~1"
- Tables: Always use e.g. "Table 1" when referring to specific
tables. (See the note above under "Figures:" about the use of unbreakable spaces.)
- Sections: When referring to a section number use, e.g. "Sec. 1".
At the start of a sentence use instead "Section 1".
(See the note above under "Figures:" about the use of unbreakable spaces.)
- Equations: Equations should be referred to as e.g. "Eq. (1)", except
at the start of a sentence when it should be "Equation (1)".
(See the note above under "Figures:" about the use of unbreakable spaces.)
- Use of e.g. and i.e. The "e.g.", "i.e.", and "etc."
are used without italics.
- Section Headings: In all headings we use upper case for all
words except for minor ones like "a", "to", "in", "the", etc.
- Author name on title page: Use Initials for your first (and
middle) names, with only your last name in full.
- References: The reference (or citation), at the end of a
punctuation goes after the punctuation. You can use "\rlap" with a
thin space "\," to avoid
excessive space between the punctuation and the superscripted reference number,
e.g. "...this is so tedious\rlap.\,\cite{tellmemore}"
If the punctuation is ":" or ";" we suggest not using "\rlap" at all.
The references/citations should be numbered in the order they appear in
the paper, i.e. at the end they should be listed in the order they are cited.
Formatting of papers in the Reference section is as given in the example.
I.e.: et al. is in italics, the journal name is in italics,
the journal/volume letter (if any) is in normal roman, the volume number
is in bold followed by the page number with the year in parentheses. E.g.:
D. Acosta et al., Phys. Rev. D 65, 091102 (2002).
- Particle Symbols: When using letters for particles in the main
text we use them in math mode, e.g. "$W$".
- units and %: We use an unbreakable space between the number
and the units, e.g. "5~TeV", and the units are in roman (not italics.)
When using "%" we do not use a space between the number and the percent
sign, i.e. "5%" (actually "5\%" in tex!)
Regarding using c=1 and h=1 in units, e.g. listing the units of
mass as MeV, Q² as GeV², or size scale as TeV¯¹,
we ask that you make this consistent within your paper if you do not want to
put in the c's and the h's.
- Use of Explicit References: If you want to use an explicit reference,
e.g. you want something like "Some simple description of the method.
The details are found in Ref.~\cite{yourpaper}."
This might be an issue since the World Scientific style file has only
references in superscript so the previous text would look strange.
You can try to avoid using explicit references, e.g. by
doing: "Some simple description of the method\rlap.\,\cite{yourpaper}",
"Some simple description of the method.
The details can be found elsewhere\rlap.\,\cite{yourpaper}", or
"Some simple description of the method.
The details can be found in the References\rlap.\,\cite{yourpaper}".
Alternately you can refer to the article by the author(s):
"Some simple description of the method.
The details are found in A.~.N.~Other {\em et al.} (2002)\rlap.\,\cite{another}".
- Plurals of acronyms and symbols: We have chosen the style of
using an apostrophe for the plural form of acronyms and symbols. Examples
are: "These PDF's are included."; "Over 2200 PMT's were used.";
"A beam of v's can be directed underground"; "The production of
b's is huge".
- Use of Hyphens: We have made a
choice of when hyphens are used and when they are not used.
The choices are not necessarily logical, but are done to
try to get more consistency between all the papers.
For words that can be used separately,
hyphens are used when they are used as an adjective instead of a noun.
For example, "final-state interactions" as opposed to
"interactions between these final states." Another example is
"W-decay contributions here are larger than W-exchange
ones for these types of b decays.
Other common examples are given below:
Hyphen is not used |
cross section |
b quark |
W mass |
data set |
antiparticle |
b decay |
wavelength |
subcontract |
Hyphen is used |
b-jet event |
b-tagged |
center-of-mass |
large-scale structures |
signal-to-noise |
W-decay contribution |
W-exchange contribution |
3-body decay |
state-of-the-art |
least-squares fit |
maximum-likelihood fit |
right-hand-side |
double-beta decay |
CP-violation |
CP-asymmetry |
fine-tuning |
non-zero |
dimension-five operators |
final-state interactions |
deep-inelastic scattering |
scale cut-off |
mono-energetic |
event-by-event |
W-helicity |
chi-square |
four-dimensional |
next-to-leading-order |
leading-order |
R-parity |
mid-point |
electron-positron linear collider |
multi-jet events |
stand-alone pattern recognition |
- Punctuation for Lists:
We suggest one of two forms of punctuating lists, depending on how long
the items in the list are.
To make a short list, we suggest doing the following:
- introduce the list with a colon;
- use lowercase letters to begin each item;
- separate items with semi-colons;
- put "and" following the semi-colon of penultimate point; and
- at the end use a full-stop.
To make a list of longer items, which often take several lines, we suggest
different punctuation.
- Introduce the list using a complete sentence, as above. Do not
use a semi-colon before the list.
- Use capital letters for each item in the list and end each point with
a full stop.
- No "and" is necessary at the end of the penultimate item to link the
final item.