A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Dainton John University of Liverpool UK Danilov Mikhail ITEP Russia Dasu Sridhara University of Wisconsin, Madison USA de Gouvea Andre Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory USA de Jesus Maryvonne IPN-Lyon/in2p3/cnrs France Del Re Daniele University of California, San Diego USA Dell'Agnello Simone INFN-LNF Italy Demina Regina University of Rochester USA Denisov Dmitri Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory USA Deryuzhkova (Dzeryzhkova) Oksana Gomel State University Belarus Di Giacomo Adriano INFN Italy Diehl Markus Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton DESY Germany Diener Kai-Peer Oliver Paul Scherrer Institut Switzerland Dionisi Carlo Dipartimento di Fisica Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Italy Dittmann Jay Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory USA Dixon Lance Stanford Linear Accelerator Center USA Dobrescu Bogdan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory USA Dominguez Aaron Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory USA Dominguez Cesareo University of Cape Town South Africa Dong Liao-Yuan IHEP, Beijing China Dorfan Jonathan Stanford Linear Accelerator Center USA Dorjkhaidav Orlokh Syracuse University USA Dosselli Umberto INFN Italy Drell Persis Stanford Linear Accelerator Center USA Du Dong-sheng Chinese Academy of Sciences China Duboscq Jean E. Cornell University USA Duflot Laurent CNRS France Durante Elisabetta Il Sole 24 Ore Italy