- Accelerators
- Conveners:
- Charge:
The working group should review the main components of a Muon Collider with a view to judging their level of development.
Some specific questions should be examined, such as:
- Liquid metal target performance with the proton bunches needed for the Muon Collider;
- Project X upgrade to 4 MW at 15 Hz.
In addition, special sessions should examine in more detail questions where outside experts could bring valuable expertise to our questions, such as:
- Theory of rf breakdown with and without magnetic fields;
- Radiation hardness of superconductors;
- Quench protection of magnets, both HTS and LTS, with large magnetic stored energy;
- Massively parallel computing and the Muon Collider problems that may need it.
- Physics and Detectors
- Conveners:
- Charge:
- Outline physics scenarios potentially relevant to future lepton colliders at centre-of-mass energies from MHiggs to multi-TeV and define their distinctive physics signatures.
Characterise these physics scenarios in relation to the LHC and Tevatron data to be collected by the end of 2012 and highlight how these data may (or may not) help defining the energy (and luminosity) of interest for a future lepton collider.
Characterize the muon collider potential for the above physics scenarios.
Assess how this potential depends on luminosity, beam energy resolution and forward cone angle.
Assess how this physics reach might be affected by the machine induced backgrounds, by limitations tuning the beam energy, and expected small polarization of initial beams.
Propose an event simulation and reconstruction framework suitable for the MuC studies and determine its relation with the program being developed for the LC studies.
Propose a conceptual detector design suited for physics at a MuC sketch a program of benchmark studies for its optimisation, compare it to the LHC, ILC and CLIC detector concepts and determine how this design evolves with the collider energy.
Assess the areas where dedicated R&D on sensors and detector systems is required for a MuC and highlight the areas of synergy and complementarity with R&D ongoing or planned for an LHC upgrade, for the ILC and for CLIC.