WGA – Beam Dynamics in Rings
Title | time [min] | Speaker | Affiliation | Region |
Theory and Design of Optical Stochastic Cooling | 20 | V. Lebedev | FNAL | America |
Ion beam emittance growth caused by space-charge force of electron bunches | 20 | S.Seletski | BNL | America |
Development of first injection-painted self consistent beams in ring | 20 | A. Hoover | ORNL | America |
Effect of space charge on bunch stability and space charge compensation schemes | 20 | A.Oeftiger | GSI | Europe |
Impact of power supply ripple on the beam performance of the Large Hadron Collider and the High-Luminosity LHC | 20 | S.Kostoglou | CERN | Europe |
Transverse damper and stability diagram | 20 | S.Antipov | DESY | Europe |
Beam instability issue and feed-back system in the MR of J-PARC | 20 | T.Toyama | Spring8 KEK | Asia |
Space-charge particle resonances and mode parametric resonances | 20 | Dong-O Jeon | RAON | Asia |
Recent results and experiences with nonlinear Paul trap | 20 | J.Flowerdew | Oxford | Europe |
WGB – Beam Dynamics in Linacs
Title | time [min] | Speaker | Affiliation | Region |
Envelope instabilities and their mitigation in high intensity hadron beams | 15 | Ji Qiang | LBNL | America |
H-minus and light-ion Linacs upgrade plan for production of critical isotopes at BNL | 15 | D. Raparia | BNL | America |
MYRRHA-MINERVA linac status and commissioning | 15 | A. Gatera | SCK CEN | Europe |
Beam physics for the SPIRAL2 linac commissioning | 15 | A.Orduz | GANIL | Europe |
Mitigation of 4th order resonance and envelope instability by beam angular momentum | 15 | Yoo-Lim Cheon | UNIST | Asia |
Beam acceleration with the upgraded RIKEN heavy-ion linac | 15 | T.Nishi | RIKEN | Asia |
WGC – Accelerator Systems
Title | Time [m] | Speaker | Affiliation | Region |
Proposal of a 1A-class deuteron single-cell linac | 15 | H.Okuno | RIKEN | Asia |
First experience of crystal collimators during LHC special runs and plans for the future | 15 | M.d’Andrea | CERN | Europe |
Muon Production Target Developments for PSI’s High Intensity Proton Accelerator | 15 | D.Kiselev | PSI | Europe |
First experience with Nb3Sn accelerator magnets | 15 | G.Ambrosio | FNAL | America |
WGD – Commisionning and Operations
Title | Time [m] | Speaker | Affiliation | Region |
Slow Extraction Operation at J-PARC Main Ring | 15 | M.Tomizawa | KEK | Asia |
Study on the injection beam commissioning and painting methods for CSNS/RCS | 15 | Mingyang Huang | IHEP | Asia |
Acceleration of the high current deuteron beam through the IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ: confirmation of the design beam dynamics performances | 15 | L.Bellan | LNL INFN | Europe |
Commissioning of the ESS Front End | 15 | Natalia Milas | ESS | Europe |
Status of FRIB Commissioning | 15 | P. Ostroumov | FRIB | America |
Optimizing Performance of a the SNS High Power SCL | 15 | Andrei Shishlo | ORNL | America |
WGE – Beam Instrumentation and Beam Interaction
Title | Time [m] | Speaker | Affiliation | Region |
Optical Stochastic Cooling: Diagnostics and technologies | 15 | J.Jarvis | FNAL | America |
Application and studies of the injection foil at SNS | 15 | N.Evans | SNS | America |
Fast switching and signal processing techniques for co-propagating unequal bunch length beams | 15 | R.Hulsart | BNL | America |
Test of machine learning at LINAC4 | 15 | V.Kain | CERN | Europe |