EDIT 2012 Tours

About Tours
EDIT 2012 will feature an afternoon of walking tours and a full day of bustours. On Monday, February 13, four walking tours will be arranged for the students, from 4pm-6pm. Students will cycle through all four.
In order to properly stager the groups for the tracks, one extra day is needed. Students will be bussed around site for 6 hours of in-depth tours of the facilities listed below.
Walking Tours
Accelerator Source and Main Control Room
This tour describes how hydrogen atoms from a tank are eventually accelerated to 99.999% of the speed of light, and eventually sent to the experiments for use, including the test beam! Highlights the Linac and Cockroft-Walton accelerators, and the operators who control the beam.
(20 min)
Tours lead by Dan Dwyer, and Kyle Hazelwood;
Coordinated by Dan Johnson.
Fermilab Overview
Students get a bird's eye view of the lab, it's accelerators, and it's experiments, from the top of Wilson Hall. Learn interesting bit about Fermilab's history, and get a preview about the lab's exciting future.
(20 min)
Tours by Herman White.
Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)
Students will see a demonstration of the robotic ASIC testing system and ASIC Test System, which has been used to test chips for many experiments from KTeV to CMS, Atlas, Pheonix, etc. Full parameter testing and chip quality sorting, and strategies for assuring full function and life times for ASICs will be discussed. Students will also see the ASIC probe station and discuss wire-bonding.
(20 min)
Tours by Al Baumbaugh, and Albert Dyer.
Remote Operations Center
The CMS detector is monitored from over four thousand miles away, right here at Fermilab. Learn what it takes to monitor things remotely, and about the LHC and CMS.
(20 min)
Tours by Aron Soha.
Bus Tours
Neutrno Experiments
Minos Underground Areas
Travel 350 feet underground into the Minos Detector Hall, at the end of the Neutrinos from Main Injector (NuMI) Beamline and check out the MINERvA, MINOS, and dark matter experiments. Learn about neutrino beams and long-baseline experiments.
(45 min)
Tours lead by Luke Corwin, Brian Tice, Hedi Schellman, and Brian Rebel;
Coordinated by Aria Soha.
NOvA Surface Building
Check out the completed NOvA near detector prototype, now taking data on the surface from both the NuMI and BooNE beams.
(30 min)
Tours by Andrew Norman, Matt Muether, and Martin Frank.
Mini BooNE Detector Hall
See the original Neutrino Scintillator oil experiment at Fermilab. Learn about how Neutrinos are detected, and the progress which has been made in discovering why they oscillate.
(30 min)
Tours by Denis Perevalov and Chris Polly.
Super Conducting RF R&D
Check out the latest advances in super conducting RF cavities that will be used to construct the next generation of linear accelerators!
(45 min)
Tours lead by Kermit Carlson and Elvin Harms;
Coordinated by Jerry Leibfritz.
Magnet Factory
Learn how magnets are fabricated and tested in the Technical Division. In the Industrial Building Center, magnets and SRF cavities are inspected, assembled, and cryogenically tested. The tour will visit each of these areas.
(50 min)
Tours lead by Lance Cooley, Dave Harding, and Mike Lamm;
Coordinated by Rodger Bossert and Marie Herman.
Collider Detector Halls
CDF is a colliding beam detector located in the Tevatron. Check out the tracking wire chamber and other detector subcomponents as well as the control room.
(50 min)
Tours lead by Kevin Burkett, Jonathan Lewis, Silvia Amerio, Steve Hahn, Eric James, Sergo Jindariani, Ben Kilminster, and Michelle Stancari;
Coordinated by Dee Hahn.
DZERO is one of two detectors at Fermilab where the proton/anti-proton collisions are analyzed in exquisite detail.
(50 min)
Tours by George Ginther, and Bill Lee.
Event News
Students Please give Feedback!
Talks, Posters, and Instructions have been uploaded to the Slides Web page
- Group Picture and Student List is now available.
Important Dates:
- Event dates: February 13 - 24, 2012
- Application Deadline: November 6, 2011
- Slide Submission Deadline: Jan 13, 2012
Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies Larger Picture
February 13 - 24, 2011
The 2012 EDIT symposium will be hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL, USA. EDIT 2012 is the second in a new series of international symposiums, devoted to exposing young researchers to hands-on experience with detector and instrumentation technologies.
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