EDIT 2012 Participants
Mission Statement
The symposium of Excellence in Detector and Instrumentation Technologies was created to ensure researchers entering the field today get the hands-on experience they need to successfully further their careers.
Experts in the fields will support the participants in their learning process by providing continuous guidance as Professors of Excellence - lecturers or experts who prepared the experimental set-ups, and Teaching Assistants - experts who will support the students with additional explanations and critical discussions.
Group | Name | Institution |
1 | Andrew Chegwidden | Michigan State University |
1 | Joe Grange | University of Florida |
1 | Junting Huang | University of Texas |
1 | Manuel Mussini | University of Bologna |
1 | Matthew Rudolph | University of Toronto |
1 | Mitra Shabestari | Mississippi State University |
1 | Johannes Stiller | University of Heidelberg |
1 | Venkatesh Veeraraghavan | Florida State University |
2 | Alber Bursche | University of Zurich |
2 | Laura Fields | Northwestern University |
2 | Alena Gavrilenko | College of William and Mary |
2 | Angela Gligorova | CERN |
2 | Jeremy Love | Boston University |
2 | Carrie McGivern | University of Kansas |
2 | Mojca Miklavec | Jozef Stefan Institute |
2 | Walter Pettus | University of Wisconsin |
3 | Paula Alvarez Cartelle | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela |
3 | Ina Chalupkova | Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics |
3 | Andrea Kuensken | Phys. Inst. A, Physikzentrum |
3 | Sameh Mannai | Institut de Recherche en Mathématique et Physique |
3 | Adam Patch | Yale University |
3 | Amy Roberts | Weizmann Institute of Science |
3 | Wee Don Teo | Cornell University |
3 | Marco Trovato | Fermilab |
4 | Ritoban Basu Thakur | Fermilab |
4 | Annika Behrens | Physics Institute University of Zurich |
4 | Stephen Gliske | Argonne National Laboratory |
4 | Laura Jeanty | Harvard University |
4 | Ho Ling Li | University of Chicago |
4 | Huong Nguyen | University of Virginia |
4 | Joshua Renner | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
4 | Adam Rubin | Weizmann Institute of Science |
5 | Jorge Berenguer-Antequera | CIEMAT |
5 | Adam Bradley | Case Western Reserve University |
5 | Mykhaylo Filipenko | Universite Erlangen-Nurnberg |
5 | Daniel Hynds | CERN |
5 | Farah Khalid | Fermilab |
5 | Jiasen Ma | Enrico Fermi Institute |
5 | Evan Niner | Indiana University |
5 | Savanna Shaw | Michigan State University |
6 | Xuebing Bu | Fermilab |
6 | Rhys Chouinard | University of Alberta |
6 | Paola Garosi | INFN, Pisa |
6 | Anusha Habarakada Liyanage | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
6 | Tomáš Jindra | |
6 | Caio Laganá Fernandes | IFT, Sao Paolo, Brazil |
6 | Florian Sanftl | Tokyo Institute of Technology |
6 | Tara Scarborough | Baylor University |
7 | Timo Bloch | Technical University of Darmstadt |
7 | Ranjeet Dalal | University of Delhi |
7 | Rafael de Lima | CBPF, Brazil |
7 | Kate Doonan | University of Glascow |
7 | Alex Krzywda | Purdue University |
7 | Nick Kypreos | University of Florida |
7 | Wei Zou | Peking University |
7 | Zachary Zundel | University of Utah |
8 | Monica Allen | University of Utah |
8 | Pi-Jung Chang | Kansas State University |
8 | Nathan Harrison | University of Connecticut |
8 | Manungu Kiveni | Syracuse University |
8 | Marcelle Soares-Santos | Fermilab |
8 | Lauren Tompkins | University of Chicago |
8 | Matthias Weber | University of California, Los Angeles |
8 | Chen Xu | DESY |
Professors of Excellence
Fundamentals Track

- Andrew Sonnenschein
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2883
- email: sonnenschein@fnal.gov
Andrew has been a physicist at Fermilab since 2005, and is a member of COUPP.

- James T White
- Texas A&M University, USA
- phone: available on request
- email: white@mail.physics.tamu.edu
James T White obtained his PhD at UC San Diego in 1985 working on the PEP 4/9 TPC/Two-Photon experiment at SLAC, worked on the E766 p-p experiment at BNL as a post-doc, spent the 1990’s on the D0 Experiment at FNAL followed by the ZEPLIN II dark matter search experiment in the Boulby Mine in the UK. He is now a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M University, working on LUX and NEXT.
Silicon Track

- Gino Bolla
- Purdue University, USA
- phone: available on request
- email: bolla@cern.ch
Dr. Gino Bolla is responsible for Operation and Maintenance of the CMS Pixel Detector at LHC. After graduating from the University of Padova in Italy in 1993 he joined the CDF experiment at Fermilab. He became a worldwide expert on the development of vertex detectors for High Energy Physics. Dr. Bolla has always been intrigued by the challenges associated with semiconductor detector postioned at the center of the modern High Energy Physics experiments. His expertise varies from the theory of particles-matter interaction to semiconductor detector technology and production processes.

- Marco Battaglia
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
- email: mbattaglia@lbl.gov
Photo Detectors Track

- Dmitri Denisov
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630-840-3851
- email: denisovd@fnal.gov
- Website: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/public
Dmitri Denisov is the spokesperson of the DZero experiment, which comprises over 500 physicists from 20 countries. He graduated from the Moscow Physical Technical Institute in 1984 and joined the Institute for High Energy Physics, the largest sub-nuclear physics laboratory in Soviet Union. He became a worldwide expert on the development of new particle detectors for sub-nuclear physics experiments, including fast coordinate detectors and calorimeters based on liquid Argon.

- Gaston Gutierrez
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- email: gaston@fnal.gov
Test Beam Track

- Erik Ramberg
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.5731
- email: ramberg@fnal.gov
Dr. Ramberg has worked on many experiments at Fermilab over the last 25 years. Much of his work was involved with the intricacies of matter and anti-matter interactions in Kaon decays. Dr. Ramberg has always been fascinated with the tools that particle physicists use. In 2005 he founded the Fermilab Test Beam Facility and is currently the Associate Particle Physics Division Head of Detector R&D at Fermilab.

- Carsten Hast
- SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
- phone: 650.926.8556
- email: hast@slac.stanford.edu
- Website: http://today.slac.stanford.edu/feature/profile-hast.asp
Carsten received his Ph.D. from the University of Dortmund, Germany for his work on Tau-lepton decays at the ARGUS detector at DESY. Moving to California in 1997, he joined the BaBar collaboration, continued studies of various Tau decays, and served as Silicon and Čerenkov Counter commissioner and BaBar Run Coordinator. In 2003 Carsten joined the SLAC staff. Currently he is the head of the Test Facilities Department, responsible for operation and user support at ESA, ESB, NLCTA, ASTA and the newly commissioned FACET User Area.
Teaching Assistants
Fundamentals Track

- Hugh Lippincott
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.3258
- email: hugh@fnal.gov
- Website: http://physicsformom.blogspot.com
Hugh received his PhD at Yale University studying the scintillation properties of liquid argon and liquid neon in the hopes of finding dark matter. He currently works on the COUPP bubble chamber experiment, still hoping to find dark matter.

- Lauren Hsu
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.4638
- email: llhsu@fnal.gov
Lauren received her PhD from Cornell University while working on the CLEOIII experiment. Her thesis was on semileptonic charm decays. She has since worked on KamLAND measuring reactor anti-neutrino oscillations as a Lawrence Fellow at LBNL. Now she is looking for dark matter with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search as a research associate in the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics.

- Chris Stoughton
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2440
- email: stoughto@fnal.gov
- Website: http:// home.fnal.gov/~stoughto
Chris Stoughton obtained his Ph.D. in particle physics from Columbia University in 1986. His thesis work included building the E776 Neutrino Detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which set a limit on parameters for neutrino oscillations. In 1991 he became a founding member of Fermilab's Experimental Astrophysics group. He currently is working on The Fermilab Holometer.

- Ben Loer
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2136
- email: bloer@fnal.gov
Ben received his PhD last year from Princeton University, where he participated in the Borexino solar neutrino observatory and the DarkSide dark matter search. His best accomplishment there was designing DarkSide's logo. He is now a research associate at Fermilab and a collaborator in CDMS, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search.

- Fritz Dejongh
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2311
- email: fritzd@fnal.gov
Fritz started out in collider physics studying heavy flavor physics. More recently he has been involved in a variety of particle astrophysics experiments. He is currently investigating the properties of liquid Argon for dark matter and neutrino detection.
Photo Detectors Track

- Leah Welty-Rieger
- Northwestern University, USA
- phone: 773.398.4242
- email: lwelty@fnal.gov
- Website: http://jasonleahrun.com
Leah is currently a second year post doc at Northwestern University working on the g-2 experiment as well as a member of one of the Higgs groups at the D-Zero experiment. She graduated from Indiana University, where her PhD was done on the D-Zero experiment and where she measured the lifetime of the Bc meson. Leah attended the EDIT symposium at CERN in 2011 and is excited to be a part of the EDIT 2012 team at Fermilab this year.

- Mandy Rominsky
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.8599
- email: rominsky@fnal.gov
Mandy Rominsky is a post-doc at Fermilab. She works on the tracking detector for the g-2 experiment and super symmetry analysis for the D0 experiment. She was a student at the first EDIT symposium at CERN and was completely fascinated by all the different detector technologies out there. She lives in North Aurora with her son and husband.

- Andreas Jung
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2186
- email: ajung@fnal.gov
Andreas obtained his Ph.D. in particle physics in 2009 from the University of Heidelberg (Germany). His thesis included the commissioning of the Fast Track Trigger at the H1 experiment as well as a measurement of the charm contribution to the proton structure. Moving to the United States in 2010, he is currently involved in the D0 experiment working on top physics. He also worked for the maintenance and optimization of the D0 Silicon tracker.

- Bjoern Penning
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.6623
- email: penning@fnal.gov
Bjoern obtained his Ph.D. in 2009 at the University of Freiburg (Germany). His thesis research included High Mass Higgs and calorimetry at D0. Currently he is working on Low Mass Higgs, QCD and b-ID at D0, and the Track Trigger upgrade in Atlas.

- Norik Khalatyan
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.5478
- email: norik@fnal.gov
Norik Khalatyan joined the DZero experiment in 2005. Before that he was working at KEK and was a professor at Tsukuba University. While in Japan he was working on Central Drift Chamber R&D for the future Linear Collider project in Asia. During DZero operation he worked was a leader of the L1 muon and CalTrack trigger systems, worked on muon PDT system, and was a convener of Data Quality group. Currently he is working on top physics analysis.

- Mike Cooke
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.4158
- email: mpc@fnal.gov
- webpage: http://www-clued0.fnal.gov/~mpc/
Mike earned his Ph.D. from Rice University in 2008. He has worked on the DZero experiment since 2002, initially supporting the Central Fiber Tracker and the Central Track Trigger while doing electroweak physics analysis. He now focuses on tracking algorithms while searching for the standard model Higgs boson.

- Juan Estrada
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2153
- email: estrada@fnal.gov
Originally from Argentina, Estrada came to the US to get his Ph.D. at the University of Rochester, working on the Dzero experiment at Fermilab. In 2004 he started working on the Dark Energy Survey with the goal of mapping a big portion of the sky to study Dark Energy. He's also involved in a low threshold direct dark matter experiment with CCDs, DAMIC.
Silicon Track

- Luciano Ristori
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.8612
- email: luciano@fnal.gov
- Website: http://tinyurl.com/3fkdlat
Luciano is one of the very early members of the CDF Collaboration, and has been working full time for the CDF experiment since 1980. He lead the design, construction and commissioning of the Silicon Vertex Trigger, and won the 2009 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics with Aldo Menzione "For their leading role in the establishment and use of precision silicon tracking detectors at hadron colliders, enabling broad advances in knowledge of the top quark, b-hadrons,and charm-hadrons"

- Simon Kwan
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2329
- email: swalk@fnal.gov
Simon is a member of the CMS, RD42, and RD50 collaborations. He is the CMS Forward Pixel detector upgrade coordinator, USCMS FPIX manager, and Head of the Electronic Systems Engineering Department in the Scientific Computing Division at Fermilab.

- SungWoo Youn
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.8757
- email: swyoun@fnal.gov
SungWoo received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University with studies on the properties of the Bs meson at the D0 experiment. He is currently a research associate at Fermilab and is the leader of the silicon tracker group and a member of the top group at the D0 experiment.

- Kirk Arndt
- Purdue University, USA
- phone: 765.494.5518
- email: arndt@purdue.edu
Kirk is a mechanical engineer working with research groups in Experimental Particle Physics and Astrophysics at Purdue University. Kirk has enjoyed a substantial role in the design, engineering, fabrication, assembly, integration, and testing of the mechanics for many experiments including the Forward Pixel Detector for CMS, CLEO III and BaBar Silicon Vertex Detectors, and the Cerenkov telescope at the Whipple Observatory. Kirk is currently working on a 3.2-gigapixel (largest digital camera ever constructed) for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), and the CMS Forward Pixel Upgrade Detector.

- Gregory Derylo
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- email: derylo@fnal.gov
Greg is a Fermilab mechanical engineer where he has worked on the design and fabrication of various silicon-based detectors since 1997, including silicon strip detectors for CDF & DZero and the forward pixel detectors for CMS. He also developed the CCD packages and built the 0.57 Gpixel imager for the Dark Energy Survey Camera. Greg is currently working on the Jefferson Lab Clas12 SVT.

- Benedetto Di Ruzza
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.4662
- email: diruzza@fnal.gov
Benedetto received his MPhys from Roma La Sapienza University and his PhD from Trieste University working on the CDFII experiment. His thesis was on the branching ratio measurement of the Bs to phi,phi decay. At CDFII he also worked on the Secondary Vertex online Trigger (SVT). In 2009 he became member of the CDF silicon operation group as power supplies expert, and since September 2010 he is co-head of this group.

- Selcuk Cihangir
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2329
- email: selcuk@fnal.gov
As a post doc on CDF, Selcuk Cihangir worked on the Central Muon System and the Forward Hadron Calorimeter. He also participated in SVX’ silicon vertex detector work. Selcuk is now a staff member at Fermilab where he works on Liquid Argon Calorimetry, and on the level-1 calorimeter trigger of D0, and construction of the barrel silicon strip detector and tracking upgrade for the silicon strip detector at CMS.

- Dave Christian
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.4001
- email: dcc@fnal.gov
David Christian attended Yale College and the Johns Hopkins University. He came to Fermilab as a postdoc in 1982 and has worked at Fermilab ever since. He has participated in experiments at Fermilab and Brookhaven, and has contributed to the design and construction of a wide variety of detectors and associated electronics, ranging from a multicell Čerenkov counter to wire chambers to silicon detectors.

- Enver Alagoz
- Purdue University, USA
- phone: 765.496.1802
- email: ealagoz@purdue.edu
Enver is a postdoc working on the CMS pixel detector upgrade project. He obtained his PhD from Zurich University (Switzerland). His thesis was about post- irradiation performance of CMS barrel pixel sensors.

- Piero Giubilato
- email: piero.giubilato@cern.ch
Piero Giubilato received his Ph.D. from the University of Padova for his work on radiation effects microscopy, and joined the CMS collaboration in 2002. He did most of his research on the development of solid state pixelated detectors for both applied and high energy physics, with a particular focus on monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) and data acquisition systems (DAQ). He also has deep interest and experience on the software and firmware necessary to run such detecting apparatus.
Metrology and Micro-Bonding Sessions
Gordon Gillespie
Jorge Montes
Tammy Hawke
Mike Roman
Bert Gonzalez
Test Beam Track

- Ewa Skup
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.8623
- email: eskup@fnal.gov
Ewa Skup has been an Engineering Physicist at Fermilab for the last 12 years. Before that she spent 5 years, as a member of University of Rochester group designing, building, commissioning, and installing the CMS hadron calorimeter. She has worked at the SiDet Facility helping to build the CMS silicon tracking detector, and over the last three years she is involved in the Liquid Argon TPC project conducting tests of the influence of various materials on the purity of liquid argon. Recently she joined the staff of the Fermilab Test Beam Facility as the Instrumentation Specialist.

- Doug Jensen
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.8194
- email: djensen@fnal.gov
- website: http://home.fnal.gov/~djensen
Doug Jensen was a graduate student at University of Chicago, Post-doc and Assistant Professor at Princeton, and then Associate Professor at University of Massachusetts until 1991, when he came to Fermilab to work on the KTeV experiment. He's worked on accelerators ranging in energy from 14MeV to 800Gev. Doug also served as the Deputy Facility Manager of FTBF until January 2012. He now works full time on the NOvA Experiment, and is a collaborator on MINOS and ORKA.

- Geoff Savage
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.6554
- email: savage@fnal.gov
Geoff joined the DZero experiment in late 1998 where he worked on the slow control system and online computing. He has a Ph.D. in physics from Purdue University where he performed gamma ray spectoscopy measurements using a Tandem Van De Graff accelerator to study nuclear structure. Since the Tevatron turned off he has been assisting at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility as a DAQ specialist.

- Wilco Koppert
- NIKHEF, Amsterdam
- email: wkoppert@nikhef.nl
Koppert did his undergraduate work at Utrecht University on D0 extraction in ALICE. Currently he is a fourth year graduate student working in the detector R&D group at NIKHEF, Amsterdam. He is working on GridPix detectors, these are micro TPCs that are read out with a pixelchip.

- Francesco Zappon
- NIKHEF, Amsterdam
- email: fzappon@nikhef.nl
Currently Francesco is a fourth year PhD student at Nikhef (Amsterdam) working on design of new chip for the readout of Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (focusing on GridPix). Francesco received his master degree at Universita' di Padova with a thesis about the development of a FPGA board and firmware for the ICARUS experiment.

- Kondo Gnanvo
- University of Virginia, USA
- email: kgnanvo@virginia.edu
Kondo did his PhD at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunication Bretagne (France) in 2001 then was a Fellow at CERN from 2002-2004 working on GEM detector as beam profile monitors for the CERN Antiproton Decelerator transfer and experimental lines. He is currently a Research Scientist at University of Virginia where they are in charge of the building the second and third triple-GEM based trackers for the Super Bigbite Spectrometer (SBS) for the 12 GeV Hall A upgrade at JLab.
FTBF Set-Up & Support
Todd Nebel
Jerry Taccki
Aria Soha
JJ Schmidt
Excellence Conveners
The following people helped in arranging the tracks and other activities for the EDIT symposium.
Organizing Committee
International Advisors

- Aria Soha
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 815.970.4652
- email: aria@fnal.gov
- website: http://home.fnal.gov/~aria
As the leader of the Intensity Frontier and Test Beams group, Aria Soha manages the Fermilab Test Beam Facility, and coordinates activities in the Minos Underground Areas, as well as other experiments. After graduating from Carnegie-Mellon University in 2002 Aria came to Fermilab as an Accelerator Operator and worked in the Main Control Room for 7 years creating and tuning the particle beams, before transferring to PPD, and her current position in 2009.

- Michael Roman
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.6124
- email: roman@fnal.gov
Michael is an Engineering Physicist and Facility Manager for the (SiDet) Silicon Detector Facility. He is also the leader of the Precision Metrology Group at SiDet. He has participated in the development and construction of silicon detectors for CDF, DZero, and CMS and is currently involved in the upgrade of the CMS pixel detector.

- Donna Kubik
- Fermi National Accelerator Lab, USA
- phone: 630.840.2101
- email: kubik@fnal.gov
- website: http://home.fnal.gov/~kubik
Donna Kubik is an Engineering Physicist at SiDet. She is responsible for ESD (Electro Static Damage) safety in SiDet’s cleanrooms and labs. She has worked extensively on the Dark Energy Survey and QUIET (CMB polarization project) and has recently joined the SiPM characterization effort at SiDet.
Tour Guides
Event News
Students Please give Feedback!
Talks, Posters, and Instructions have been uploaded to the Slides Web page
- Group Picture and Student List is now available.
Important Dates:
- Event dates: February 13 - 24, 2012
- Application Deadline: November 6, 2011
- Slide Submission Deadline: Jan 13, 2012
Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies Larger Picture
February 13 - 24, 2011
The 2012 EDIT symposium will be hosted by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL, USA. EDIT 2012 is the second in a new series of international symposiums, devoted to exposing young researchers to hands-on experience with detector and instrumentation technologies.
Full Size Poster