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HCP2008 Travel


HCP2008 conference logo
19th Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2008

May 27-31 2008

  Proceedings Instructions

Paper submission deadline is August 1, 2008

The papers must be submitted to the arXiv ePrint server at Cornell. The HCP2008 proceedings will be published with eConf.
Detailed instructions to prepare the proceedings are provided below.

  • Procedure
Download the LaTeX template.
Add your text and figures to the template. Please, follow the Instructions below.) 
Submit your paper to the arXiv ePrint server. (See arXiv ePrint Submission Instructions below.)
Did you include the conference name in the comments field?
Provide your ePrint number to the editorial team. (See Send ePrint Number to Editorial Team below.)
  • Templates

All articles submitted for the HCP2008 proceedings must be delivered using the templates provided below.


Right-click the preferred link to save files to your hard drive.


This zip file includes the following files:
 * revsymb.sty
 * revtex4.cls
 * 10pt.rtx
 * slac_one.rtx
 * JACpic2.eps
 * slacconf_one.tex
 * slacconf_one.pdf


Please follow the instructions given in slacconf_one.pdf.
To produce your pdf-files, don't use pdflatex. Instead run latex and after that use dvipdf to create a pdf-file.

The page limit depends on the length of your talk and the type of the presentation as follows:

* For 20-30/45/60 minute talks: max. 10/15/20 pages
* For poster presenters: 5 pages
  • arXiv ePrint Submission Instructions

All papers for the proceedings of this conference must be submitted to the arXiv ePrint archive http://arXiv.org at Cornell.  For first time users, a  general submission help can be found at the arXiv ePrint site. The Web upload is particularly easy to use from a PC, Mac, or UNIX machine. You will receive confirmation e-mail upon every step of the process, if you don't, it means you still have more to do. The ultimate goal is to see the full text of your paper on the arXiv.org server with an ePrint number in the form "arch-ive/yymmnnn."

REMINDER: When submitting your files to the arXiv, do not forget to include all the files that are necessary to create a valid PS or PDF of your paper. 

  • Submitting to the ePrint Server

When submitting your paper to the arXiv ePrint server, be sure to include the conference information in the comments field. For example Jane Q. Physicist and her colleague's submission would look like this:

Authors: Jane Q. Physicist and J.R.B. Goode.
Comments: Invited talk at the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium (HCP2008), Galena, Illinois, USA, May 27-31, 2008; 5 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures.

  • Additional Information about the arXiv ePrint Server

Document Format

The ePrint archive will reject PS or PDF files created using TeX/LaTeX in favor of the source files. 

File Size

The arXiv ePrint server rejects files over 650k. This problem generally occurs if the paper contains a lot of large figures. Usually large figures are a result of converting jpegs to PS files. The arXiv ePrint server provides help on how to do this more efficiently. Another way to avoid this problem is to submit smaller graphics, with lower resolution and then provide a link to your Web page in the Comments section pointing users to better quality pictures.

  • Send your ePrint number to the Editorial Team

Once you have successfully submitted your paper to the ePrint arXiv, it is important to provide the editorial team with the following information:


Author Name:

Is this a revised paper? No Yes
(If you submit a revised paper to the arXiv ePrint server, you will need to resubmit this form to the editorial team)

Title of Paper:

ePrint Number:

(Example: hep-ex/xxxxxxx)

  • Contacts

If you need more information about paper submission, please contact the Editorial Team.

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