The goal of this first exercise is to get Geant4 installed and to be able to run some simple simulation, analysis and visualization code. In later exercises you will work through the code and understand what is going on in much more detail.
We have written explicit instructions for installing and compiling Geant4 from source for this CD. In addition for the supported platforms we have included pre-compiled versions of Geant4. If you have time it is more instructive and more reliable to compile everything yourself from scratch, but this takes one or more hours, so if you are trying to follow the tutorial in a limited time you might want to try the pre-compiled versions.
The instructions for building from source are available for the following platforms:
For other platforms you should consult the official Geant4 installation instructions, plus the overview of Geant4 files on this CD.
The instructions for using pre-compiled versions are available for:
Note: For the tutorial we will also provide instructions for running on the fnalu Linux cluster. Please look for these instructions at the time of the workshop on the errata page.
Before explaining how to compile the example it is useful to understand the detector modeled by the example:
The spectrometer consists of two detector arms. One arm provides position and timing information of the incident particle while the other collects position, timing and energy information of the particle after it has been deflected by a magnetic field centered at the spectrometer pivot point.
This example uses the following physics processes:
and defines the following particles:
Note that even though hadrons are defined, no hadronic processes are invoked in this example.
An event consists of the generation of a single particle which is transported
through the first spectrometer arm. Here, a scintillator hodoscope records the
reference time of the particle before it passes through a drift chamber where
the particle position is measured. Momentum analysis is performed as the
particle passes through a magnetic field at the spectrometer pivot and then into
the second spectrometer arm. In the second arm, the particle passes through
another hodoscope and drift chamber before interacting in the electromagnetic
calorimeter. Here it is likely that particles will induce electromagnetic
showers. The shower energy is recorded in a three-dimensional array of CsI
crystals. Secondary particles from the shower, as well as primary particles
which do not interact in the CsI crystals, pass into the hadronic calorimeter.
Here, the remaining energy is collected in a three-dimensional array of
scintillator-lead sandwiches.
Several aspects of the event may be changed interactively by the user:
All the information required to simulate and analyze an event is recorded in HITS. This information is recorded in the following sensitive detectors:
drift chamber:
electromagnetic calorimeter:
hadronic calorimeter:
The tutorials on this CD are all based on Geant4 example A01. Although there is a version of this example included with the Geant4 source code, it is not the same as the A01 example used for the following examples. In fact we have a different version of the A01 example as the starting point for each exercise, so be sure to start with the appropriate version from this directory on the CD.
To build the example, simply change directory to the location where you unpacked the A01 example, and issue the command "make", e.g.
cd A01 make
If all goes well you should see output similar to this:
$ make Making dependency for file Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Making dependency for file src/ ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Compiling ... Creating/replacing object files in c:/geant4/geant4_5_2/tmp/WIN32-VC/A01app/libA 01app.a Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8447 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved. Compiling ... Using granular libraries ... Linking A01app ... Command line warning D4024 : unrecognized source file type 'c:/geant4/geant4_5_2 /tmp/WIN32-VC/A01app/exe/A01app.o', object file assumed
To run the example issue the following command:
After Geant4 initializes itself you will be presented with the Geant4 prompt:
At which you can issue Geant4 commands. For example:
Idle> /run/beamOn 10
to analyze 10 events, or:
Idle> help
or even:
Idle> exit
to quit Geant4. More information on using Geant4's command prompt can be found in the presentation on Basics Of UI Command.
Although the tutorials in this workshop are all based on the A01 example, there are many more examples included with the Geant4 source code, in the examples directory.
Re-run the A01 example with the following commands. Don't worry yet about what these commands do, they will be covered in detail in the presentation Introduction to Geant4 Visualization. For now, just know that they will cause visualization files to be created first for an empty detector, then for a detector with one event:
$G4INSTALL/bin/$G4SYSTEM/A01app Idle> /vis/open HepRepFile Idle> /vis/scene/create Idle> /vis/scene/add/volume Idle> /vis/sceneHandler/attach Idle> /vis/viewer/flush Idle> /vis/scene/add/trajectories Idle> /vis/scene/add/hits Idle> /tracking/storeTrajectory 1 Idle> /run/beamOn 1This will create two ".heprep" files which work as input to the event display application called WIRED. This application, along with two other visualization systems called DAWN and OpenGL, will be discussed in detail in later tutorials. For now we will just show you enough so that you can use the WIRED Event Display to visualize your results in the next few tutorials.
WIRED is a 100 percent pure Java application that can run anywhere that Java version 1.4.1 or newer is installed. Users are encouraged to install and run WIRED on their desktop machines rather than running it via x-windows from central Unix systems. WIRED will work either way, but the best performance comes when it runs on the desktop (and this frees central Unix CPUs for more suitable work).
java -version
If you don't already have the appropriate Java:
To download WIRED, copy a single file of about 7M to your own directory (it doesn't matter where you put it, the install procedure will later ask you where you really want to install WIRED). Take the file from:
Open a command window and go to the directory where install.class is located. Before you actually run the installer, note one thing:
Now run the installer by typing the following command:
java -cp . install
If you are running through x-windows, the install procedure may have trouble getting the correct fonts to show the install dialog boxes. You can instead just skip the dialog boxes by typing:
java -cp . install /pThe result will be as if you had selected all of the default options. Wired will be installed to the directory "Wired".
wired -file <file_specification>For example:
wired -file c:\jp\slac\geant4\G4VisTutorial\G4WIREDTutorial\G4Data0.heprep or wired -file /afs/mydir/mysubdir/G4Data0.heprep
./wired -file /afs/mydir/mysubdir/G4Data0.heprep.gz
export WIRED_HOME=<your_top_level_wired_directory>
SET OS=Windows_NT
yes, that's Windows_NT even though your actual system is Windows ME.
SET OS=W98 (or W95) SET WIRED_HOME=<your_top_level_wired_directory>
and then run by typing "sh" instead of just "wired".
You should end up with an image as follows:
You can always quickly go to the next file produced by Geant4 by hitting the
right arrow button at the top of the window.
This "next event" button always gets the next .heprep or .heprep.gz file
alphabetically in the current event's directory.
Since each new event produced from Geant4 has a sequential heprep file name, this button
gets you the next Geant4 event.
You now know enough of the basics of Geant4 visualization to generate a .heprep file and view the results in WIRED. Later tutorials show more about WIRED and also talk in detail about two other visualization systems, DAWN and OpenGL. For the purposes of the subsequent exercises, any of these three visualization systems will do, except for two important notes about OpenGL.
At the time of this writing, OpenGL for Geant4 only works on Linux, not Windows. But stay tuned for updates - that situation is likely to change soon (OpenGL is included as part of the Windows operating system, but Geant4's OpenGL driver is not correctly designed yet to take advantage of that version).
The pre-built Geant4 included with this tutorial does not include OpenGL. This is done both to make the pre-built version more portable and to make the pre-built version able to run with JAIDA. Unfortunately, you cannot run JAIDA if OpenGL is in your build.
Since the chances of your getting this far in the time allocated for the tutorial seem to be zero, we have moved the introduction to analysis to the Analysis and Visualization exercise. Feel free to skip ahead to that exercise if you want to learn about analysis now.