Pre-Compiled Geant4 Installation for Linux

The following instructions describe how to install Geant4 using pre-compiled source using this CD under Linux. The instructions were written using RedHat 9 with gcc 3.2.2.

First choose a location to install Geant4, e.g.

mkdir /scratch/tonyj/Geant4
cd /scratch/tonyj/Geant4/

Now unpack the pre-compiled version of Geant4. For example, assuming you have the cdrom mounted as /mnt/cdrom you can use the commands:

tar -xvzf /mnt/cdrom/Geant4.5.2/pre-built/Linux/Geant4.5.2.p02-rh9-gcc3.2.2.tgz
Finally you need to set some environment variables
cd Geant4
source setup-geant4.csh

Or if you are using bash

cd Geant4
source setup-geant4

All done! You can now continue with the installation exercise.