Sponsored by
The Aspen Center for Physics
The National Science Foundation
The US Department of Energy
Universities Research Association

Organizing Committee
JoAnne Hewett, SLAC
Joe Lykken, FNAL, Chicago
Patricia L. McBride, FNAL
Sydney Meshkov (ex-officio)

Maria Spiropulu, CERN

International Advisory Committee
Gabriela Barenboim (U. Valencia)
Edmond Berger (Argonne)
Jonathan Dorfan (SLAC)
Jos Engelen (CERN)
Josh Frieman (Fermilab/U. Chicago)
Gian Giudice (CERN)
Jordan Goodman (U. Maryland)
Giorgio Gratta (Stanford)
David Hitlin (Caltech)
Paul Langacker (U. Penn)
Tatsuya Nakada (U. Lausanne)
Pier Oddone (LBL)
Angela Olinto (U. Chicago)
Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
Pierre Ramond (U. Florida)
Dieter Schlatter (CERN)
Maury Tigner (Cornell)
Albrecht Wagner (DESY)
Michael Witherell (Fermilab)
Stan Wojcicki (Stanford)
John Womersley (Fermilab)
Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku U.)





This is the 20th anniversary of the Winter Aspen Physics Conferences,  which started  in 1985 with two one-week conferences on particle physics. The workshop will present a multitude of new results from the highest energy terrestrial machines, both hadron and lepton. The theme of the meeting reflects our community's excitement about new results from the Tevatron and HERA, from our highest energy lepton machines PEP-II and KEKB (with their sensitivity to TeV scale new physics), and the advent of 14 TeV collisions at the LHC. The workshop will explore the synergies with the new astrophysics and cosmology results as well as the high energy precision results,  in terms of both  theoretical considerations and experimental planning. Finally, it will discuss the physics and  technology of the upcoming and planned highest energy hadron and lepton machines. This is a time when particle physics starts probing new energy scales, and the conference will stimulate discussion among theorists and experimentalists on the implications to our understanding of how nature works.

The conference is open; however, due to space and format, attendance is limited. Participants are selected from applications submitted to the conference. Some support for younger participants will be available.

The Aspen Center for Physics is committed to a significant participation of women and under-represented groups in all the Center's programs.

Aspen Center for Physics
Jane Kelly
Administrative Vice President
700 West Gillespie Street
Aspen, CO 81611

Last updated 09/28/2004 | Contact cd-web@fnal.gov