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HCP2008 International Advisory Committee


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19th Hadron Collider Physics Symposium 2008

May 27-31 2008
International Advisory Committee
Rino Castaldi Pisa
Dan Green FNAL
Rohini Godbole Bangalore
Timothy Hallman BNL
Rolf-Dieter Heuer DESY
Barbara Jacak Stony Brook
Karl Jakobs Freiburg
Peter Jenni CERN
Ashutosh Kotwal Duke
Taka Kondo KEK
Jacobo Konigsberg Florida
Michelangelo Mangano CERN
Hugh Montgomery Fermilab
Tatsuya Nakada Lausanne
Jurgen Schukraft CERN
Alexei Sissakian JINR
Paris Sphicas CERN/Athens
Mike Tuts Columbia
Tejinder Virdee CERN/Imperial
Darien Wood Northeastern
Terry Wyatt Manchester
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