Presentations and Publication
Oral presentations

All contributed talks will be a total of 15 minutes with 12 minutes for the speaker and 3 minutes for questions. Authors are responsible for uploading their talks in PPT or PDF format no later than 24 hours before their assigned time. A video projector will be available in the auditorium, connected to a stationary PC. The proceedings editor office can provide assistance.

The authors are asked to get acquainted with the chairperson of your session in order to ease his task of introducing you. We would also like to encourage you to inform the chairperson about your current position and activity to make the introduction more interesting.

Mini oral presentations of posters
We will continue the mini oral presentation of posters which was introduced for RT2005. The principal author of each poster will have the possibility of making a 3 minute/3 slides presentation during special sessions in the plenary. No time will be allocated for questions or discussion and the time must be absolutely respected in order to allow all posters to be presented. The slides must be electronic and they must be given to the responsible on the day before the presentation, with the exception of the poster talks during Monday, which may exceptionally be handed in before 9.00 on Monday.

The dedicated poster sessions with coffee is intended for questions and discussion.

Poster sessions
There will be two poster sessions: the first on Monday/Tuesday and the second Wednesday/Thursday. Posters cannot exceed 4' (wide) by 6' (height). Presenters will be responsible for mounting/dismounting their own posters. Display area is open round the clock. We will provide velcro tabs to mount the posters to the display area.

First session posters should be mounted no later than Monday at 3:00 pm and taken down no later than 8:00 pm on Tuesday. Second session posters should be mounted no later than Wednesday at 3:00 pm and taken down no later than 1:30 pm on Friday.


The Conference Proceedings will publish all papers that have been accepted for oral and poster presentation and that have effectively been presented.

A CD of the Proceedings will be shipped within one month after the conference to all participants containing texts as well as presentations and photos of the event.

Authors of such papers have, in addition, the possibility to submit them for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS) which will publish a special issue devoted to the 2007 Real Time Conference. Papers submitted to TNS are subject to a peer review process.

For both publications the format of the paper must comply with the IEEE editing rules. Please note that the pages must not be numbered and no header nor footer information are accepted. The deadlines for the submissions are :

  • The day before the presentation of the paper for the Conference Proceedings
  • One week after the last day of the Conference, that is May 11, 2007 for TNS


Proceedings Editors : Kathryn Duerr
TNS Editor : Jean-Pierre Dufey
Instructions for Manuscript Submission

Submission to the Conference Record

All papers presented at Real Time 2007 will be published in the Conference Record provided :

  1. the paper is within the eight-page page limit,
  2. the style follows exactly the IEEE publishing specifications (see below for an example)
  3. an Xplore-compatible PDF file of your paper is uploaded on the abstract submission website. An electronic copyright form is also available on the abstract submission website and must be filled in at the same time.

To produce a Xplore-compatible PDF file, you should use the IEEE PDF eXpress -- an online service that allows conference authors to either convert their documents into compatible PDFs or to submit their own PDFs for compatibility testing. This service will open on 26-Feb-2007. At the same date, the manuscript submission will open as well, allowing you to submit your paper.

Steps for submission:
1) Create your manuscript(s)
2) Proofread and check layout of manuscript (it is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to IEEE PDF eXpress.)
3) Create IEEE PDF eXpress account ( The Conference ID is rt07 )
4) Upload source file(s) for Conversion; and/or PDF(s) for Checking
5) Use IEEE PDF eXpress to attain IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
6) Submit final, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s) [per the conference’s instructions]. The deadline is 11-May-2007.

The deadlines noted earlier will be extended only if there is a technical problem with the proof or special arrangements are made with the guest editor before the end of the conference. In no case will submissions be accepted after May 11, 2007.

Templates for the Conference Record

You can view here a sample manuscript in PDF for a representation of the layout authors should use when preparing their papers for the Conference Record.



Revision history: 02/20/07 LG