Instructions for Manuscript Submission to IEEE TNS

Submission to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS)

A paper presented at RT2007 will be considered for inclusion in the special issue of TNS devoted to RT07 if a PDF version of the manuscript is received at the Manuscript Central no later than May 11, 2007.

If you have previously used the Manuscript Central as an author or reviewer, please use your existing account. If you have not previously used the system, you will need to create an account and author profile.

For "Manuscript Type" select "3 Real Time Conference Manuscript"

All questions regarding Real Time submissions to TNS should be addressed to the Editor Jean-Pierre Dufey.

Templates for the TNS

For the TNS, the manuscript must follow exactly the IEEE publishing rules (see Submission to Conference Records on Presentations page). The paper length should not exceed 8 pages.

All templates together with the instructions can be found in the IEEE Authors' Digital Toolbox.



Revision history: 02/20/07 LG