Workshop Motivation
Fixed Field Alternating Gradient accelerators are unique in their high repetition rates, and large acceptances characteristic of cyclotrons, yet they also embody the advantages of the synchrotron: focusing is predominately "strong", with low injection and extraction losses. With the best features of the cyclotron and synchrotron combined, the FFAG accelerators represent new directions in accelerator science and are presently under international development with applications in cancer therapy, gantry design, industrial irradiation, cargo scanning, and neutrino production. The first accelerator-driven subcritical reactor using using a high-energy (100-MeV) proton FFAG was successfully demonstrated on the nuclear reactor at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI) and the world's first nonscaling FFAG, EMMA, at Daresbury Laboratory is scheduled to begin operation late this year. Further the FFAG is an integral component of both Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Scenarios, future directions for HEP.
The timing and emphasis of FFAG09 is of particular importance as it presents an opportunity to summarize the workshop at PTCOG the following week, and organize for the high intensity proton source and DOE accelerator applications workshops later in October.
Given the potential of this workshop to strategically contribute to applied accelerator technology, an important goal of this workshop is to prepare an overview of the different accelerators in order to compare critical machine parameters such as energy reach, size, intensity, power consumption, etc. for linacs, cyclotrons, and synchrotrons, particularly in comparison with FFAGs. A comparison of FFAGs and cyclotrons was initiated at FFAG07 and this will be expanded.
Workshop Topics
- FFAGs and hybrid designs for the IDS Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider;
- cancer therapy and gantry design;
- muon and proton acceleration;
- accelerator-driven subcritical reactors and neutron sources;
- advanced accelerator simulation;
- broad-band and swept-frequency RF;
- comparison of different accelerators.