Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics '11
The Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011 (TIPP 2011) conference will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Chicago. TIPP 2011 is the second in the new series of international conferences on detector and instrumentation sponsored by IUPAP (please note that the next conference in the TIPP seres, TIPP 2014, will be hosted by NIKHEF in Amsterdam in Spring 2014). The TIPP conference series, the science driven cross-disciplinary conference, started in Tsukuba, Japan in 2009 ( TIPP 2009 ). The conference will provide a stimulating atmosphere for scientists and engineers from around the world. The program focuses on all areas of detector development and instrumentation in particle physics, astro-particle physics and closely related fields, in particular:
- Accelerator-based high energy physics
- Non-accelerator particle physics and particle astrophysics
- Nuclear physics
- Experiments with synchrotron radiation and neutrons
- Instrumentation and monitoring of particle and photon beams
- Applications in photon science, biology, medicine, and engineering
The technical requirements necessary to exploit new opportunities in these fields of science continue to grow. New detector technologies as well as improvements to existing techniques are required in order to address the physics questions we face in the next decade.
It is increasingly important for the field to form industrial partnerships that may lead to transformational new technologies. This medium-sized conference brings together experts from the scientific and industrial communities to discuss current work and to plan for the future. The conference will include plenary invited talks and parallel tracks with contributions outlining state-of-the-art developments in different areas. Each parallel track will conclude with a forward-looking talk on future opportunities for "disruptive technologies".
The areas covered by the parallel tracks are categorized as follows:
- Experimental detector systems
- Gaseous detectors
- Semiconductor detectors
- Calorimeters
- Particle identification
- Photon detectors
- Dark Matter Detectors
- Neutrino Detectors
- Astrophysics and space instrumentation
- Front-end electronics
- Trigger and data acquisition systems
- Machine Detector Interface and beam instrumentation
- Instrumentation for medical, biological and materials research
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Event News
Important dates
Event dates: June 9-14, 2011Abstract Submission deadline:
Full TIPP 2011 Program Book
Final Participants list (483)
Registrants List
Abstracts Submitted
Proceedings Publication Guide
TIPP 2011 Proceedings