Extra Startup Options for WIRED

SLAC WIRED contains a number of extra startup options. Most users will not need any of these options, but any of them can be used by including them with the prefix "-J-D", as in:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true

If the "-exp babar" option is to be specfied, this should come after any of these other special options, as in:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true -exp babar

Scripts may be built out of long strings of these options, such as:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true -J-DnoControls=false -J-Dsimplify=true -J-DorientationToolbar=true -J-Dquiet=true -J-DautoUpdate=false -J-DupdateRate=10000 -J-DautoFly=false -J-DflyRate=200 -J-DflyTheta=.01 -J-DflyScale=1.01 -J-Danimation=sc2000 -J-Dgeometry=babar -J-Dprojection=Parallel -J-DshowLongUrl=false -J-DobjySize=186 -J-DinitialVisibility=AnimBeam;BetaTrackExtrap;KalmanHit;KalmanTrk;EmcCluster;IfrInnerDigi;IfrBarrelDigi;IfrEndCapDigi;IfrSingleCluster;IfrChargedCluster;IfrNeutralCluster; -J-DshowShadows=false

Options are as follows. Defaults are shown in parentheses. Note that all values are case sensitive (booleans must be true, not True; projection name must be Perspective, not perspective).

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Joseph Perl
28 September 2002.