

We are pleased to announce that RT2007 is now open for registration.
Early registration will end on March 26, 2007. Late fees will apply to any registrations after this date. Online registration will close on April 22, 2007. You can register at the conference
itself after that date.

Details of  program schedule are still being worked out. The ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Architecture) workshop will be held on Sunday, April 29th from approximately 9:00 - 5:00 and will include a lunch. Registrations is $50 for IEEE members, $80 for non-members, and $20 for students.

The plenary sessions are Monday - Friday from ~9:00 - 6:00, breaking early on Wednesday May 2, for the conference banquet. Registration is $300/$360 for IEEE members, $360/$420 for non-members, and $150 for students.

Dinner choices for the banquet include Beef Alexander or Grilled Salmon and companions are welcome.
Cocktails are at 6:00 and dinner starts at 7:00. Banquet tickets are $70 each. Further details can be found on the social program page.

To register for the Conference, workshop, and/or banquet,
click here: (

To register for the workshop only, click here

Revision history:02/06/07 LG