

IEEE-NPSS CANPS 2007 Outstanding Senior Award

The RT2007 Outstanding Senior Award will honour a meritorious senior candidate who has a
long-standing record of important contributions to the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

The senior award will be announced at the conference dinner.

The Outstanding Senior Award consist of $2000 and an official IEEE certificate.


IEEE-NPSS RT2007 Outstanding Student Awards

The two RT2007 Oustanding Student Awards will honour the best student submission accepted for oral presentation and the best student submission accepted for poster. To be eligible, the candidate -
graduate student or doctoral student - must hand in his final paper on the first morning of the conference and show proof of student status. The award is based on the quality of the work as described in the paper submitted.

Each Outstanding Student Award consist of $500 and an official IEEE diploma.

The student awards will be announced during a plenary session at the end of the conference week.

Revision history:11/06/06 MH