Extra Startup Options for WIRED
SLAC WIRED contains a number of extra startup options. Most users will
not need any of these options, but any of them can be used by including
them with the prefix "-J-D", as in:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true
If the "-exp babar" option is to be specfied, this should come after
any of these other special options, as in:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true -exp babar
Scripts may be built out of long strings of these options, such as:
wired -J-DfullScreen=true -J-DnoControls=false -J-Dsimplify=true -J-DorientationToolbar=true
-J-Dquiet=true -J-DautoUpdate=false -J-DupdateRate=10000 -J-DautoFly=false
-J-DflyRate=200 -J-DflyTheta=.01 -J-DflyScale=1.01 -J-Danimation=sc2000
-J-Dgeometry=babar -J-Dprojection=Parallel -J-DshowLongUrl=false -J-DobjySize=186
Options are as follows. Defaults are shown in parentheses. Note that
all values are case sensitive (booleans must be true, not True; projection
name must be Perspective, not perspective).
quiet=boolean (false)
set to true to make all messages go as console info level messages
instead of appearing on the graphics window. Turn console output level
to info if you then want to see these messages.
fullScreen=boolean (false)
set to true to make the application come up in full screen mode
noControls=boolean (false)
set to true to make the system start out with no toolbar, menu or control
simplify=boolean (false)
set to true to make the system have fewer menu and toolbar options
showShadows=boolean (true)
set to false to speed up display by omitting shadow frames around objects
autoUpdate=boolean (false)
set to true to make the system start out in autoUpdate mode.
updateRate=integer (4000)
time between calls for next event (milliseconds)
autoRotate=boolean (false)
set to true to make the system start out in autoRotate mode
autoFly=boolean (false)
set to true to make the system start out in autoFly mode
flyRate=integer (100)
time between calls for next rotation or flight update (milliseconds)
flyTheta=double (.01)
theta change for rotation step
flyScale=double (1.02)
scale factor change for flight step
flyMin=double (.15)
minimum scale for flight
flyMax=double (.55)
maximum scale for flight
animation=string (null)
wired looks for a file with the given filename and file extension of
".animation". Each line of this file contains the start of a nodeName followed
by a semicolon and a time delay, as in, "KalmanTrk 0; 200". This means
that after "KalmanTrk 0", draw all representables up to that point and
then sleep for 200 milliseconds
geometry=string (babar.xml.gz)
name of top level geometry file in babarwired/geometry directory to
use. set to specialsideview for SC2000 rear projection
projection=string (Parallel)
name of projection to use at start up. set to Perspective for SC2000
rear projection (setting this to Perspective also triggers display to be
Side View and a reasonable scale)
showLongUrl=boolean (false)
set to true to have full event URL in the title string
maxEventNumber=integer (0)
when this event number is reached, next event action will return to
event number 1
initialVisibility=string (null)
semicolon delimited list of Type names that should be initially visible.
If not provided, take initial visibility setting from server. For example,
wired -J-DinitialVisability=KalmanHit;KalmanTrk;SvtDigi;AnimBeam;
saveToFile=boolean (false)
save each event to a HepRep xml file as soon as it is read from the
Joseph Perl
28 September 2002.