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Installing JAS3

There are two steps, first you must install Java, then you must install JAS3. JAS3 requires at least Java 1.4.0, and we recommend that you install 1.4.1_02.


Step 1

Install Java 1.4.1_02 (also know as J2SE for Java 2 Standard Edition) for Windows (available here)

Step 2

Download the Microsoft installer file (.msi) for JAS3 0.7.3 from here. Once you have downloaded it just double-click on the installer file to install. Once JAS is installed you can click on the desktop icon to start it.


Step 1

Download Java 1.4.1_02 (also know as J2SE for Java 2 Standard Edition) for Linux from here.  Download the file, make it executable (chmod +x) and then run it to install Java. Make sure you put the Java bin directory into your PATH.

Step 2

Download the Linux .tar.gz file for JAS3 0.7,3 from here. Once you have downloaded it unpack it anywhere you like (tar -xvzf jas3-Linux-0.7.tar.gz), and then cd into the unpacked directory (cd jas3-0.7) and run it (./jas3).