Young Particle Physicists Town Meeting
11 August 2003

When: Monday evening after the reception/poster session, 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

What: The Young Particle Physicists (YPP) are conducting a popular forum for public discussion of topics relevant to the future of young particle physicists.

How: Several topics of interest will be presented, discussed, and any resulting motions will require voting from those present. The results will be presented in the Saturday plenary session of Lepton Photon.

Who: While anyone is welcome to attend, resulting motions will reflect the opinions of the young (untenured, postdoc, grad, undergrad) particle physicists present.

Proposed Topics:

  • The effect of the ever increasing size of collaborations as well as the time in between major experiments, and related issues, on the career of young particle physicists.
  • A comparison of the various funding mechanisms around the world, and how they can advance the future of our field.
  • Balancing a future program of particle physics.
  • Visa issues and the ability of physicists to work in other countries.

Discussion of topics will be subject to available time and audience interest.

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