
Grid Poster Session
The High-Energy Physics (HEP) community depends heavily on computer farms, and is now pioneering grid-style distributed computing.
Lepton Photon 2003 will include a session on grid computing on Thursday 14 August 2003 (evening). The session will include participation from grid experts, HEP computer managers, current and future grid users, and business representatives.
We are calling for posters and displays concerning hardware, software, research,and existing implementations that would be of interest to
grid developers, managers and users.
- Poster setup will be Wednesday 13 August 2003.
- The posters will be up through the Grid Session on Thursday evening 14 August 2003.
- Displays may be up throughout the week of the conference.
- Posters and displays may be attended or unattended.
- Power, tables, etc can be supplied if arranged early.
Those interested in exhibiting Grid posters or displays should contact:
Ray Culbertson
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