Special Session: "Extreme Computing: The Data Grid and the Future of Distributed Computing" Free Public Lecture, Thursday, 14 August 2003, 7:30 p.m., Ramsey Auditorium
On Thursday evening, 14 August 2003, there will be a special session on grid computing. High-energy physics is increasingly becoming a field centered on a few experiments at a few large accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Each of these experiments serves the entire interational community. These "experiments" are now really programs which can run for more than a decade and produce massive datasets. The ability to collaborate and share data is a powerful method for maximizing the value of these large facilities by allowing scientists/analysts to have access to the data independent of where in the world they might be located or what computing resources they might have locally. The "Data Grid" is a new distributed computing platform that will facilitate the development of Virtual Distributed Organizations to analyze these huge datasets. This session will have talks from pioneering computer scientists, high-energy physicists, and major corporations who are now developing and deploying this new capability that will be so important to the future of our field and many others.
Moderator: V. White (Fermilab)
8:50 p.m. - 9:05 p.m. Break
Moderator: R. Pordes (Fermilab)
Speaker Biographies
Ian Foster (Argonne & Chicago)
Dr. Ian Foster, co-author of "The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing
Infrastructure", is an internationally recognized researcher and
leader in the area of Grid computing. Dr. Foster is Associate
Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne
National Laboratory and Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Chicago. The Distributed Systems Lab that he heads at
Argonne and Chicago is home to the Globus Toolkit, the open source
software that has emerged as the de facto standard for Grid computing.
His awards include the GII Next Generation Award and the Lovelace
Ian Bird (CERN, LCG)
Ian Bird is currently one of the project managers of the LHC Computing
Grid (LCG) project and is responsible for deploying, operating, and
supporting the service for the LHC high energy physics community. He
has been in this position at CERN since September 2002, previously he
spent 6 years as Head of Computing at the Thomas Jefferson National
Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA, where he was responsible for
all aspects of computing for the lab and the physics users, including
initiating the lab's involvement in grids. His background is in High
Energy Physics, and prior to moving to Virginia he spent 16 years at
CERN working in several muon and neutrino experiments leading software
projects as well as doing physics analysis. He was educated in England
and holds a B.Sc from the University of Lancaster and a Ph.D from the
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
Bob Aiken (Cisco)
Robert Aiken is the Director of Cisco's Academic Research Technology
Initiatives, which encompasses Cisco's Applied R&D (CARD), University Research
Program (URP), National Research Network (RN) research and Higher Education/NRN
strategic programs. Prior to joining Cisco, Bob was the network and security
research program manager for DOE's Computing Information and Communications
(formerly HPCC) program. Bob was program manager and co-author of DOE's Next
Generation Internet (NGI) initiative,as well as providing technical leadership
and direction of for DOE's international researchnetwork (ESnet) and DOE2000
middleware programs. Bob has been active in the GRID and middleware community
since 1997. Prior to rejoining the DOE CIC/HPCC effort, Bob worked at Argonne
National Laboratory (ANL) where he created and managed ANL's Network Research
group. IN 1991, Bob spent a year at the National Science FOundation (NSF) as
the National Research and Education Network (NREN) program manager,and with
colleagues Peter Ford and Hans-Werned Braun co-authored the conceptual design
report od the second generation NSFNET (vBNS, Network Access Points (NPSs)),
which enabled commercialization of the Internet backbone.Before Bob's NSF
tenure, he was DOE's ESNet program manager and Executive director of the ESnet
steering committee, as well as the creator and manager of ESnet's Network
Information Serivces, and Response group. Prior to Bob's experience on wide
area networks, Bob was responsible for managing supercomputers (e.g. CRAY) and
coding their operating systems as well as providing high speed LAN access to
supercomputers. His academic experience includes being an Assistant Professor
of Computer Science at Hood College in Maryland, an Adjunct Professor at
California State University Hayward and the Manager of Technology Services
at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania.
Stephen Perrenod (SUN)
Dr. Perrenod has been involved in high performance computing and scientific
computing for over 20 years. Prior to Sun, Dr. Perrenod served as a Sales
Analyst and Marketing Manager with Cray Research for 8 years, including a
year with Silicon Graphics where he was responsible for HPC in Manufacturing
and Mechanical Engineering ISV relations. Dr. Perrenod has also held positions
with Alliant Computer Systems as a Strategic Marketing Director, European
Technical Marketing Manager and Asian Technical Marketing Specialist, and with
Sohio Petroleum Corporation, a British Petroleum subsidiary, as a Scientific
Software Designer and Reservoir Engineer. Dr. Perrenod was a postdoctoral
researcher in Astronomy and Astrophysics at Kitt Peak National Observatory
and at the University of Illinois. He holds a B.S. in Physics from M.I.T., as
well as an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Astronomy from Harvard University.
David Martin (IBM)
David Martin is Program Director, Internet Standards and Technology for
IBM. He is part of the Advanced Internet Technology department in IBM's
Systems Group that works to advance the state of Internet technology both
inside and outside of IBM. David helped develop the internal IBM Grid
testbed, a worldwide network of computing and storage resources for
experimentation and learning. External to IBM, David works with standards
organizations to advance networking and distributed computing standards.
He is active in the Applications Area of the IETF and the Global Grid
Forum. Most recently, he was on the Program Committee for GGF8.
David began his career in 1986 at AT&T Bell Laboratories where he designed
high-speed packet-switching network equipment and did research into
distributed software engineering environments and object oriented
programming. He helped transition the 5ESS development environment to use
interactive development environments and structured design and
In 1991, he went to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, where he built
some of the earliest web applications and helped design a world-wide
network for the energy research community. In particular, David focused
on distributed applications enable by ubiquitous high-speed networks. He
developed the PingER network monitoring system to measure worldwide HEPnet
David joined IBM in 1998, as Manager of Infrastructure and Architecture
for the Advanced Internet Applications Center, part of the International
Center for Advanced Internet Research, a joint research project between
IBM, Cisco, Ameritech and Northwestern University. David's designed and
built the testbed facilities for data storage and high-quality video
David has a BS in Computer Science from Purdue University and a MS in
Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
David is active in the Internet Engineering Task Force and the Global Grid
Daniel Reed (UIUC, NCSA,Teragrid)
Daniel A. Reed is Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor
at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dan serves as director of the National Computational Science Alliance
(Alliance) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at
the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In this dual directorship role,
Reed provides strategic direction and leadership to the Alliance and NCSA and
is the principal investigator for the Alliance cooperative agreement with
the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Reed is one of two principal investigators and the Chief Architect for
the NSF TeraGrid project to create a U.S. national infrastructure for Grid
computing. The TeraGrid is a multiyear effort to build and deploy the world's
largest, fastest, distributed computing infrastructure for open scientific
research. Scientists will use the TeraGrid to make fundamental discoveries in
fields as varied as biomedicine, global climate, and astrophysics. Dr. Reed
is also the principal investigator and leader of NEESgrid, the system
integration project for NSF's George E. Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake
Engineering Simulation (NEES), which is integrating distributed instruments,
computing systems, and collaboration infrastructure to transform earthquake
engineering research.
Reed was head of the University of Illinois computer science department from
1996 to 2001 and, before becoming NCSA and Alliance director was co-leader of
the Alliance's Enabling Technologies teams for three years. He is a member of
several national collaborations, including the NSF Center for Grid Application
Development Software, the Department of Energy (DOE)Scientific Discovery
through Advanced Computing program, and the Los Alamos Computer Science
Institute. He is chair of the NERSC Policy Board for Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, is co-chair of the Grid Physics Network Advisory Committee and is
a member of the board of directors of the Computing Research Association.
He is an incoming member of the President's Information Technology Advisory
Committee (PITAC). In addition, he served as a member of Illinois Governor
Ryan's VentureTECH committee, which advised the former governor on technology
investment in Illinois.