Loopfest VI
LoopFest VI
Radiative Corrections for the LHC and ILC:
Fermilab, April 16-18, 2007
Conference dedicated to the memory of
Willy van Neerven
 - Invitation


Travel to Fermilab

Accommodation at Fermilab (Map)


List of participants
Ulrich Baur (SUNY at Buffalo), baur@ubhep.physics.buffalo.edu
Sally Dawson (BNL), dawson@quark.phy.bnl.gov
Keith Ellis (Fermilab), ellis@fnal.gov
Walter Giele (Fermilab), giele@fnal.gov
Zoltan Kunszt (ETH-Zurich), kunszt@itp.phys.etz.ch
Doreen Wackeroth (SUNY at Buffalo), dow@ubpheno.physics.buffalo.edu
- Working Group on Radiative Corrections (LoopVerein) of the American Linear Collider Physics Group
- The American Linear Collider Physics Group
- The LoopVerein
- Worldwide Study of the Physics and Detectors for Future Linear e+e- Colliders
- ECFA DESY Linear Collider Workshop
- ACFA Joint Linear Collider Physics and Detector Working Group
- Fermilab Linear Collider Physics Study Group
- Loopfest I (Brookhaven, May 9-10, 2002)
- Loopfest II (Brookhaven, May 14-16, 2003)
- Loopfest III (Santa Barbara, April 1-3, 2004)
- Loopfest IV (Snowmass, August 18-19 2005)
- Loopfest V (Slac, June 19-21 2006)
- Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (Zeuthen, April 23-28 2006)
- HP2 (Zurich, September 6-9 2006)
R. Keith Ellis
Last modified: Wed Apr 18 17:40:16 CDT 2007