Summary of Panel Session A2 Three talks: Astushi Manabe of KEK (dolly++) dolly++ is an installation tool which makes use of a ring-based virtual network topology to install nodes. Basically each node just contacts its nearest neighbor for the install packets it needs so that 100 nodes are not contacting the install server all at once. Philip Papadopoulos of San Diego (ROCKS) ROCKS is a tool to help users develop their own customized kickstart file to get the configuration they want. At UCSD it is used to reinstall a node whenever the configuration is in doubt. An HTTP install server is used for reinstall. Jarek Polok (CERN) talking about Euro Grid WP4, fabric managment. More generalized talk--the installer from this package will use LCFG and ASIS--installing the OS as well as the many CERN-specific applications. ----------------------------------------------------- Questions--do you buy-in installation services? Some buy hardware installation, none buy software installation. Questions--do you buy pre-configured systems or build your own configuration... Most have a special configuration that is supplied by the vendor Question--Do you upgrade the entire cluster at one time or in rolling mode Most upgrade the entire cluster at one time...and upgrade usually consists of wiping the nodes clean and a fresh install of the next version. Question--do you perform formal acceptance or burn-in test. FNAL does, none of the others present did. NERSC requires vendor burn-in before shipping. Key tools mentions: Dolly++, ROCKS (described above) ekvm--functionality of KVM switch across network PXE--way to initialize a node booting across net. CTCS--system torture program from VA Linux BIOS Writer--way to write BIOS on INTEL board--but have to use with care LCFG--incorporates VA's system imager ----------------------------------------- Issues brought up--policy on when to reinstall Scalability of install servers non-universality of RPM. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Steven C. Timm (630) 840-8525 Fermilab Computing Division/Operating Systems Support Scientific Computing Support Group--Computing Farms Operations