The LHC Early Phase for the ILC



The LHC Early Phase for the ILC

April 12 - 14, 2007

Working Groups

Working Group I

Working Group II

Working Group III

Working Group IV

Working Group Convenors

Home Page






















WG I: Only one state, SM-like Higgs boson, at the early stage of LHC
Convenors: Howard Haber, Laura Reina, Alexei Raspereza, Markus Schumacher

WG II: No Higgs boson at the early stage of the LHC
Convenors: Tim Barklow, Jack Gunion, Wolfgang Kilian

WG III: BSM: Leptonic resonances and Multi-Gauge-Boson signals
Convenors: Tao Han, Sabine Riemann, Tom Rizzo

WG IV: BSM: Missing energy (+nothing, leptons, jets) and everything else
Convenors: Filip Moortgat, Jose Santiago, James Wells, Graham Wilson

The charge of the working groups focussing on LHC / ILC interplay at the LHC early phase for the ILC workshop is to investigate various possible scenarios of early LHC data. For the purpose of this workshop "early LHC data" should be understood as an integrated luminosity of about 10 fb-1. In particular, the following questions should be addressed:

  • What could be the impact of early LHC results on the choice of the ultimate ILC energy range and the ILC upgrade path? Could there be issues that would need to be implemented into the ILC machine and detectors design from the start
  • Could there be cases that would change the consensus about the physics case for an ILC with an energy of about 500 GeV?
  • What are the prospects for LHC/ILC interplay based on early LHC data?

These questions should be investigated within the following classes of possible scenarios of results observed in the initial LHC runs:

a)       The detection of only one state with properties that are compatible with those of a Higgs boson;

b)       No experimental evidence for a Higgs boson at the early stage of LHC

c)       The detection of new states of physics beyond the Standard Model

In analysing these scenarios, the working groups should clearly distinguish between assumed experimental signatures and their possible interpretations within certain models. Possible theoretical uncertainties should be carefully investigated.

The working groups will be formed according to the three scenarios 1, 2 and 3 with further subdivisions of 3 as:

i)               Missing energy (+ nothing, leptons, jets) signals

ii)             Leptonic resonances

iii)           Multi-Gauge-Boson signals

iv)           Everything else.

The convenors will include one LHC experimentalist, one ILC experimentalist and one or two theorists for each group. Each group should identify the most promising physics channels for the class of events they are studying and have both detector as well as beam diagnostic experts as part of their working group.

The precision with which event and machine parameters can be measured needs to be convoluted with the anticipated signals to obtain meaningful ILC-LHC case studies in a uniform framework. The physics studies should identify the detector and machine specifications one needs to reach the physics goals. Where possible, the sensitivity of each process to critical detector and machine parameters ought to be studied.