Monday 16, October
2000, 4:00-6:00PM (Chair: Rajendran Raja, Fermilab)
CDF Monte Carlo- Status, performance and Future Plans--- (Pasha Murat )
4:20-4:40 Astrophysics simulations--Large Scale fluid
simulations(Bruce Fryxell)
4:40-5:00 D0 Monte Carlo- Status, performance and
future plans --(Gregory Graham)
5:00-5:20 Astrophysics Simulations--N body /fluid
simulations of cluster formation(Paul Ricker)
5:20-5:40 CMS Monte Carlo- Status, performance and
future plans-- (Hans Wenzel
5:40-6:00 Discussion
Thursday 19, October 2000,4:00-6:00PM (Chair: Robert
Rosner, University of Chicago)
Astrophysics simulations- large-scale cluster surves --(Jim Annis)
4:20-4:40 Very large databases--(Alex Szalay)
4:40-5:00 Accelerator Physics Simulations- Muon cooling,
transport etc (Daniel Elvira)
5:00-5:20 Atlas Monte Carlo- Status, performance and
future plans --(Fred
5:20-6:00 Discussion