The Terascale Supernovae Collaboration (TSC) was formed in the spring of 1999 and includes researchers from Oak Ridge, Univ. of Tennessee, Stony Brook, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Washington, North Carolina State
Univ., Clemson Univ., and Florida Atlantic University. The collaboration was established to combine research efforts in supernova science, nuclear astrophysics, and computational science in order to develop numerical models of core collapse supernovae. These supernovae result from the gravitational collapse of a massive stellar core and are thought to be driven by the large flux of neutrinos emitted from the collapsed core. In order to better understand these supernovae, and the role they play in the elemental evolution of the cosmos, it is necessary to develop high precision 3D radiation hydrodynamic models of the core collapse and subsequent explosion. These models require the use of terascale computing resources in order to numerically describe the flow of both the hot, dense matter and the neutrinos. These models also incorporate state-of-the-art neutrino and nuclear physics for the equation of state and for the weak interaction rates. In this talk we present some of the preliminary results from the TSC efforts.

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