In a recent paper [1] the Feynman diagram analyser DIANA was introduced. It is a C-program for the automatic Feynman diagram evaluation: recent high precision experiments require, on the side of the theory, high precision calculations resulting in the evaluation of higher order loop diagrams in the Standard Model of the electroweak theory. In most cases thousands of diagrams contribute and automatization is mandatory.
For further evaluation `FORM [2] input' is produced.

New (unpublished) developements concerning the extension of DIANA are:
Graphic possibilities : there is a new topology editor, which is a graphical program written in C++. Its purpose is to make the shapes of topologies and distribute momenta (by hand). Beyond that three different kinds of postscript files for the diagrams will be produced.

Generic topology : is a new mechanism for partially automatic momenta distributing.
Color factors: at present their inclusion is realized for the $SU(N)$ group.
[1] M. Tentyukov, J. Fleischer, Computer Physics Communications, in print.
[2] J.A.M. Vermaseren, Symbolic manipulation with FORM, Computer Algebra Netherland, 1991.

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