Java is becoming an increasingly dominant language in many fields of scientific computing. In High-Energy and Nuclear physics Java is catching on more
slowly, but is already in use by many experiments. The FreeHEP and HEP libraries are an attempt to reduce unnecessary duplication of effort by making
common cross-function functionality available to the entire community.

The FreeHEP library started as an means of pulling common functionality from the JAS and WIRED projects into a common base library. It has now
expanded beyond that immediate goal and includes:

A vector graphics package for generating encapsulated postscript, Scalable Vector Graphics and other graphics formats.
General GUI utilities which are not present in the base Swing library
Jaco - A package to simplify Java Access to C++ objects
Classes for building large applications, such as a command dispatcher and XML based menu builder.

While the FreeHEP library has been developed within HEP, it contains code which would be of general applicability outside of the field. By contrast the HEP library contains code which is more specific to high energy and nuclear physics, and can be thought of as a Java analog of the CLHEP library. Currently the HEP library consists of packages dealing with:
3 and 4 vectors and associated utilities
Jet finding and Event Shapes
Particle Properties
A Diagnostic Event generator
An implementation of the AIDA histogram interface

Both libraries are being actively developed following an Open-Source model, using CVS for distributed code management. Developers interested in using or contributing to either library are encouraged to contact the authors.

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